The major barriers to the
realization of suggested CDM project activity are the following:
Investment barriers:
- The program of energy saving is valid until 2012, which includes
intro-duction of energy efficient outdoor lighting lamps in Tashkent, and the
funds for these activities are not allocated yet.
Technological barriers:
- Absence of high efficient sodium lamps and lanterns production for out-door
lighting systems in the country.
The practical barriers and financial barriers, based due to:
- According to point-6 of paragraph-2 of the “Regulations about forming of
maximal contractual prices” approved by the Decree of the Cabinet of Ministers
of the Republic of Uzbekistan (No.1415 dated 29/09/2004): “…Calculation and
approval of the prices should be performed on the basis of expenses and profit
indicators…”. Presently, however, de-clared service tariffs are approved
according not to the actual ex-penses but to the sum stipulated by the
budgetary parameters, of about 90% of the real expenses. Additionally no price
adjustment is performed during the fiscal year, despite its urgent necessity
due to changing power and materiel prices, wages and other expenses.
- Absence of production developments funding, which does not allow the company
to introduce the new energy saving technologies and reno-vate its capital
assets, etc.