Implemented technology

Predicted balance of payments of annual power consumption for project im-plementation period of power effective technologies in system of outdoor lighting networks of Tashkent is presented in the table № 2.

From balance of power consumption we can see that the common annual saving of electrical energy makes 22 260 GWh including: - from replacement of lanterns with lamps of different power in number of 112 960 pс. – 12 842,3 GWh.; - from introduction of automated remote control systems of outdoor lighting (ARCSOL) - 8 561,5 GWh; - from carrying out of power audit, optimization of allocation and choice of lighting facilities - 856,2 GWh (Additional saving)

Table №2
Prtd of Outdoor lighting
Rated annual consumption of electricity at 100 % of operating of outdoor light-ing
Reduction of electric energy consumption for the reasons independent from SUE "Toshshaharnur"
Emergency-recovery works, fan disconnecting and others in net-works of JSC “TashGorPES”
1 2 3 4 5
100% 2% 1%
1 18876,73 75506,8 1510,1 755

Continuation of table №2 
Electric Energy saving activi-ties  Losses in net-works of out-door lighting at cosf=0,92
Overall an-nual saving of electrical energy for 2008
Predicted power con-sumption
Additional saving at the expense of audit and optimization up to 4%
Overall annual saving of electric-ity
Scheduled outage
Disconnect-ing of out-door lighting dur-ing capital construction and over-hauls (MWh) Introduction of limitations
6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
5%   2%  23.5%  8.0%     58.5%       
3775,3 1510,1 17770,9 6040,5 21403,9 44144,6 856,1 22260

Besides, from balance of rated power consumption we can see that re-placement of lamps with smaller luminous efficacy to lamps with more luminous efficacy will allow to increase quality and percentage of outdoor lighting from 84% to 95%, and also increases possibility of electricity saving at the expense of in-crease in a range of restriction of current consumption from 20,1% to 23,5%.

Introduction of new system represents essentially new, radical solution of the problem of outdoor lighting management. Basic idea of the project – is full cancel-lation of existing cascade scheme of management with feeding centers (FC). At development of technical specifications (TS) of the system, specialists of SUE "TOSHSHAHARNUR" proceeded from that modernization of this morally and technically outdated scheme is unpromising, as even replacement of equipments by more complete will not allow to be beyond of frames of completely exhausted principles of group management. Instead of it the new scheme of an off-line con-trol is offered, which fully considers possibilities of advanced technologies, and also prospects of development of outdoor lighting control system for the next 10-15 years.

Operation of innovative system of outdoor lighting with software provides high level qualities, given services at essential simultaneous saving of power, material and financial resources. High level of the major indicators is reached at the ex-pense of following advantages of the system:

1. Flexible and efficient outdoor lighting management. Connection and discon-nection of each FC in off-line mode according to the set individual schedule of work. According to preliminary estimations of the power savings can reach 20-25%. 2. Detection of technical losses and plunders.
The scheme of the organization of electricity accounting at the expense of automatic monitoring system and power consumption management (AMSPCM) which is an integral part of general system ARCSOL, allows detecting and localiz-ing operatively possible losses or electricity plunders, tracking schedules of their appearance within days. According to preliminary estimations, timely elimination of losses and electricity plunders in outdoor lighting networks can give power sav-ings more than 15-20%.

3. Remote control of technical condition of separate FCs, and all network allows timely alerting and liquidating failures in networks of outdoor lighting that also leads to considerable decrease in general expenses for operation of outdoor light-ing network.
The system can take root stage by stage, by gradual coverage of all new and new segments of outdoor lighting network, without any influences on functionality of that part of system which is already placed in operation.
Power consumption decrease at the expense of introduction of control sys-tem, increases operation life of all elements of the outdoor lighting network, which will allow reducing expenses for material resources and technical operation of networks of outdoor lighting. 

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