AWS – Automated Work Station
ASRCSOL – Automated System of Remote Control of Outdoor (Street) Lighting
ASMMP – Automated System of Electric Power Monitor and Metering
DB – Data Base
SN – Serial Number
LT – Lantern
SL – Street Lighting
CCC – Central Control Center
1 Purpose of Automated System of Remote Monitor and Control of Street Lighting of Tashkent city
1.1 New Automated System of Remote Monitor and Control of Street Lighting of Tashkent city ASRCSOL – Tashkent must be designed and developed to ensure to create illumination environment of evening and night time city and, as a result, maximum comfortable conditions for inhabitants.
1.2 When designing and developing ASRCSOL – Tashkent, the existing power supply scheme of street lighting (SL) network of the city must be taken into consideration (Figure 1).

2 Necessary Precedent Explanations
2.1 Street lighting network of the city consists of segments each of which includes:
1) feeding station (FS) with one 0.4 kV lead-in and 4 lead-out 3-phase 4-wire feeders;
2) 3-phase electric street lighting network in 4-wire or cable implementation;
3) light equipment (lanterns, spotlights and other equipment, hereinafter referred to as lanterns) (LT);
4) special equipment (power control elements of street lighting and power metering).
3 Main Requirements to ASRCSOL – Tashkent
3.1 Designed and developed ASRCSOL – Tashkent must have following functional capabilities which ensure, at least:
1) communication between CCC and each FS;
2) communication between FS of SL network segment and each LT of SL network segment;
3) 100, 67/50 and 33/25 % lighting regimes for FS control;
4) 100 and 60 % lighting regimes for LT clusters and individual LT control (power consumption control of individual LT);
5) FS power control (individual and cluster-type);
6) LT power control (individual and cluster-type);
7) automatic SL power control according to pre-set schedule and taking into account the local time of sunset and sunrise (automatic regime);
8) dispatcher SL power control (remote regime);
10) remote control of access to FS and compartment of FS special equipment (access authorization – access denial);
11) remote control of FS technical status including remote control of technical status of FS control points (Figure 2);

13) display of FS technical status data in CCC including data on technical status of FS control points;
14) remote control of access to FS (control of status of FS doors sensors and FS doors (open - closed));
15) transmission of data on status of FS doors sensors and FS doors (open - closed) to CCC;
16) display of data on status of FS doors sensors and FS doors (open - closed) in CCC;
17) remote control of extraneous voltage on FS lead-out feeders (extraneous voltage is present - extraneous voltage is absent);
18) transmission of data on absence and presence of extraneous voltage on FS lead-out feeders to CCC;
19) display of data on absence and presence of extraneous voltage on FS lead-out feeders in CCC;
20) remote control of technical status of LT clusters and individual LT including technical status of individual lamps;
21) transmission of data on technical status of LT clusters and individual LT including data on technical status of individual lamps to CCC;
22) display of data on technical status of LT clusters and individual LT including data on technical status of individual lamps in CCC;
23) remote control and metering of FS consumption of active electric power;;
24) transmission of data on FS of electric power consumption to CCC;
25) display in CCC of data on FS of electric power consumption;
26) 26) remote control and metering of consumption of active electric power by LT clusters and by individual LT;
27) 27) transmission of data on of electric power consumption by LT clusters and by individual LT to CCC;
28) display of data on of electric power consumption by LT clusters and by individual LT in CCC.
3.2 Following must be installed in CCC:
1) ASRCSOL – Tashkent hardware including a server and automated work stations (AWS) of CCC dispatchers (IBM-compatible personal computers);
2) ASRCSOL – Tashkent software (server and client software);
3) ASRCSOL – Tashkent dataware including central data base (DB);
4) Local Area Network.
3.3 Following must be installed in FS:
1) FS controllers;
2) 3-phase electric power meters.
3.4 LT controllers must be installed in LT.
3.5 ASRCSOL – Tashkent hardware, software and dataware must ensure hard real-time operation of ASRCSOL – Tashkent and must enable:
SN |
Action |
Time not exceeding, sec |
1 |
display on AWS of status of communication between CCC and selected FS |
10 |
2 |
display on AWS of status of communication between CCC and selected LT |
30 |
3 |
display on AWS of lighting regime (100, 67/50 or 33/25 %) of selected FS |
10 |
4 |
display on AWS of lighting regime (100 or 60 %) of selected LT |
30 |
5 |
individual remote control of FS |
10 |
6 |
cluster-type remote control of FS with display on AWS of control process |
120 |
7 |
individual remote control of LT |
30 |
8 |
cluster-type remote control of LT with display on AWS of control process |
360 |
9 |
display on AWS of control regime (automatic, remote or manual) of selected FS |
10 |
10 |
display on AWS of control regime (automatic or remote) of selected LT |
30 |
11 |
remote authorization or denial of access to selected FS |
10 |
12 |
display on AWS of status of access (authorized or denied) to selected FS |
10 |
13 |
display on AWS of technical status including technical status of control points of selected FS |
10 |
14 |
display on AWS of technical status of selected LT and technical status of a lamp (lamps) |
30 |
15 |
automatic display on AWS of opening and closing of FS doors with indication of a number, type and location place of FS |
10 |
16 |
automatic display on AWS of emergency, special (in manual regime) and |
10 |
16 |
automatic display on AWS of emergency and |
30 |
17 |
automatic display on AWS of communication loss with FS with indication of a number, type and of location place of FS |
10 |
18 |
automatic display on AWS of communication loss with LT with indication of a number, type and of location place of LT |
30 |
19 |
forced sound and visual signaling on AWS in case of occurrence of emergency, special and undefined technical status of FS |
immediately after receipt of data thereabout |
20 |
forced sound and visual signaling on AWS in case of occurrence of emergency and undefined technical status of LT and lamps |
immediately after receipt of data thereabout |
21 |
display on AWS of changes in phase voltages, currents and power factors of selected FS in digital and graphic form |
with a preset Nyquist interval (with update period) 30, 60 or 120 seconds |
22 |
display on AWS of changes in voltages on selected (selected) LT and currents through LT and lamp (lamps) in digital and graphic form |
with a preset Nyquist interval (with update period) 90, 180 or 360 |
23 |
automatic fixation, timing and registration of scheduled changes of technical status of FS, LT and lamp in ASRCSOL – Tashkent DB |
immediately after receipt of data thereabout |
24 |
automatic fixation, timing and registration of emergency, special and undefined technical status of FS in ASRCSOL – Tashkent DB |
immediately after receipt of data thereabout |
25 |
automatic fixation, timing and registration of emergency and undefined technical status of LT and lamp in ASRCSOL – Tashkent DB |
immediately after receipt of data thereabout |
26 |
automatic fixation, timing and registration of FS doors opening and closing with indication of access type (authorized – denied) in DB and in ASRCSOL – Tashkent logs |
immediately after receipt of data thereabout |
27 |
automatic fixation, timing and registration of a CCC dispatcher’s actions in ASRCSOL – Tashkent DB and logs |
immediately after the completed action |
28 |
automatic registration and re-registration of installed FS controllers, of electric power meters and LT controllers |
not more than 60 minutes after installation and connection of devices |
29 |
remote configuration (setting operating parameters) of FS controllers, electric power meters and LT controllers |
not more than 60 minutes after dispatch of configuration parameters to devices |
30 |
automatic verification of names (users name) and passwords (passwords) of ASRCSOL – Tashkent authorized users, fixation of date and time of commencement and completion of ASRCSOL – Tashkent operation, authorization rights assigned to them, denial to unauthorized users |
immediately after receipt of authorization request |
31 |
automatic daily receipt and registration of data on hourly and actual consumption of active electric power by each FS and each LT in ASRCSOL – Tashkent DB |
within 120 minutes after commencement of a new day |
32 |
automatic daily receipt and registration of data on voltage absence time, duration of impermissible deviation of voltage in each FS and each LT and idle time of each FS and each LT in ASRCSOL – Tashkent DB |
within 120 minutes after commencement of a new day |
3.7 Network for ASRCSOL – Tashkent command and data transmission must enable two-way communication:
1) between CCC server and FS with application of IP, GSM and Internet technologies;
2) between FS and LT with application of technologies for data transmission via power lines.
3.8 Possible data exchange protocols between ASMMP and external automated systems must be open and enable possibility to implement known interfaces:
- direct data exchange (DLMS/COSEM type);
- flat file exchange (Microsoft Excel type);
- exchange using EDIFACT (Electronic Data Interchange For Administration, Commerce and Transport) standard;
- Web–access (exchange in XML format);
- exchange through DB belonging to an external automated system.
3.9 Possible principles of data exchange between ASMMP and external automated systems:
- anisochronous exchange whereby a recurrent portion of data is transmitted from ASMMP to other automated system immediately after receipt of these data, for example, from an electric power meter through PowerNet network (energy consumption monitoring systems) with application of Microsoft Message Queue;
- external automated system (for example, the one installed in OJSC TashgorPES) is registered as a ASMMP user and is assigned a user name (user name) and password (password) with application of Microsoft.NET technology, an unauthorized user is denied in attempt of access to ASMMP data.
3.10 ASRCSOL – Tashkent FS controllers, electric power meters and LT controllers must be configurable and enable customization of their parameters including schedules for SL activation and deactivation:
- independently, when connecting these devices through standard input-output ports directly to Laptop at the place of installation of these devices in SL network using individual configuration software;
- remotely, from ASRCSOL – Tashkent AWS.
3.11 Possibility of permanent display of technical status SL network on electronic map (electronic plan) of Tashkent city including a form-wall must be ensured.